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Countries possibly still to ban leaded petrol as at 20th Oct 2005

The following list consists of 67 countries listed by the International Fuel Quality Center as at 16th November 2004 (no updated list from IFQC will be available until the end of 2005) and a further 23 countries (* = asterisked) listed as still selling leaded petrol in the matrices provided on the Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) website of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) at (accessed 26th August 2005). Whenever we have acquired information about the ban being achieved in a particular country which conflicts with either the IFQC or PCFV information, we have struck-through the country name and given the reference sources (which appear below the country list) and added the year the ban was achieved, if provided. However, if the information gathered on any country from two sources conflicts, the country has been coloured red, as have all the countries for which there is still a listing on either PCFV’s or IFQC’s list of countries still selling leaded petrol for which no source claims a phase-out success.

Latin America
  1. Cuba
    Mexico * a (1998)f
    a (2004)
    a (2003)
  2. Venezuela

Europe, C.I.S.

  1. Albania
    Belarus b (1998)
  2. Bosnia
  3. Croatia
    Cyprus * c
  4. Kazakhstan
    Kyrgyzstan b
  5. Macedonia
  6. Moldova
  7. Romania
  8. Serbia
  9. Tajikistan
  10. Turkey
  11. Turkmenistan
    Ukraine b (2001)
  12. Uzbekistan


  1. Algeria
  2. Angola
  3. Benin
  4. Botswana
  5. Burkina Faso
  1. Burundi
  2. Cameroon
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Chad
  5. Comoros *
  6. Congo (Brazzaville) *
  7. Congo, Democratic Republic of *
    [NB IFQC just lists Congo]
  8. Cote d'Ivoire
  9. Djibouti
  10. Equatorial Guinea
  11. Gabon
  12. Gambia
  13. Guinea
  14. Guinea-Bissau
  15. Kenya
  16. Lesotho
  17. Liberia
  18. Madagascar
  19. Malawi *
  20. Mali
  21. Morocco
  22. Mozambique *
  23. Namibia
  24. Niger
  25. Reunion *
  26. Sao Tome & Principe *
  27. Senegal
  28. Seychelles
  29. Sierra Leone
  30. Somalia
  31. South Africa
  32. Swaziland
  33. Tanzania
  34. Togo
  35. Tunisia
  1. Uganda
  2. Zambia
  3. Zimbabwe
  4. Asia

  5. Bhutan
  6. Cambodia
  7. Fiji *
  8. Indonesia
  9. Laos
  10. Maldives *
  11. Marshall Islands *
  12. Micronesia, Federal States of *
  13. Mongolia d, e
  14. Myanmar (Burma)
  15. Nauru *
  16. Niue *
  17. North Korea
  18. Palau *
  19. Solomon Islands *
  20. Timor L’Este *
  21. Tokelau *
  22. Tonga *
  23. Tuvalu *
  24. Vanuatu *

    Middle East

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Jordan
  4. Syria
  5. Yemen

 Reference Sources for Struck-Through Country Names:

  1. Personal communication (9 Sept 2005) Ing. Miguel Moyano, Projects Manager, ARPEL (Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean),, Tel: 598-2-4106993, Fax: 598-2-4109207, Javier de Viana 2345, 11200 Montevideo – URUGUAY,
  2. PCFV (Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles) of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), "Central and Eastern Europe + Central Asia Lead Matrix" last update on 29 December 2004, PCFV_Lead_Matrix-CEE&CA_200412.pdf (accessed 18 July 2005).
  3. PCFV (Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles) of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), "Central and Eastern Europe + Central Asia Lead Matrix" last update on July 2005, PCFV_Lead_Matrix-CEE&CA_200508.pdf  (accessed 16 Sep 2005).
  4. Personal communication (14 Sept 2005) Shoa Ehsani, Partnership for Clean Fuels & Vehicles, Division of Policy Development and Law, UNEP, P.O. Box 30552, UN Avenue, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254 20) 62 5035, Fax: (254 20) 62 3861, stating: "About the Central Asian countries, our data is based on various sources (such as Mike Walsh's updates) and we endeavor to get the latest data. Sometimes we get conflicting data as in the case of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, we have data that indicates otherwise. For example, the UNEP Governing Council 2003 data [According to "The Case for Banning Lead in Gasoline", published by the Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association (MECA), Washington DC, January 2003(Available online at Kazakhstan has already achieved the phase out of leaded gasoline (see, 'Table 1 Unleaded Gasoline Sales Only', page 7). This information from MECA is also referred to in Annex 2, page 21 of a publication distributed by the Governing Council of the UNEP on the 10th of December 2002 for the Twenty-second session of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum in Nairobi, 3-7 February 2003, entitled "Progress in Phasing Out Lead in Gasoline", A note from the Executive Director (Available online at")] also shows that Mongolia is unleaded, but we have data indicating otherwise. At the same time, a country may still be in dual mode e.g. almost unleaded and they have a small percentage of leaded gasoline. In summary, most data we have is from a secondary (or a couple of secondary) sources, to get absolutely authentic and accurate information on the real world status of a country, one needs to contact the relevant ministry directly.
  5. Personal communication (15 Sept 2005) Tanvi Nagpal, East Asia Environment,, The World Bank, Washington, DC, stating: "Mongolia does not use leaded gasoline. It imports only unleaded gasoline from China, Russia and Kazakhstan. The typical octane numbers are 80,92, and 95."
  6. Evolución de la Calidad de Combustibles en el Valle de México - Presentation to the International Seminar on the Clean Air Initiative in Latin American Cities (Lima, PERÚ - May 12-13, 2003) by Ing. Quím. Nicolás Rodríguez Martínez, Lima-Callao, Perú., PEMEX. [It notes that Mexico phased out leaded gasoline in 1998.]
  7. Personal communication (14 Oct 2005) Ministry of Education, Health, Community, Services and Labour for Montserrat,,
  8. Personal communication (20 Oct 2005) Meropi Samara Miliotou, Environment Officer
    Environment Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
    1411 Nicosia, Cyprus, tel.: + 357 22 303857, fax: + 357 22 774945, email:

Superseded versions of this list can be found at:

  1. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use As at 10th May 2010

  2. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use As at 22nd June 2009

  3. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use As at 8th October 2008

  4. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use As at 24th May 2007

  5. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use, As at 22nd February 2007

  6. Countries possibly still to ban leaded petrol as at 20th Oct 2005

The LEAD Group Inc. Fact Sheet Index

NSW Lead Reference Centre and NSW Government Publications On this site

  1. About the Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS)

  2. Main Sources of Lead

  3. How Would You Know If You or Your Child Was lead poisoned?

  4. Lead aware housekeeping

  5. Ceiling dust & lead poisoning

  6. Is your yard lead safe?

  7. Health Impacts of lead poisoning

  8. Rotary Questionnaire

  9. Lead poisoned Pets and Your Family

  10. Childhood Lead Poisoning Risk Factor Questionnaire

  11. Is Your Child Safe From Lead? - What Can You Do About Lead?

  12. Lead in Drinking Water in Australia

  13. Have We Really Resolved The Lead Issue?

  14. The Importance of the Availability of "Spot Tests" for Lead in Paint

  15. Pregnant or Planning a Pregnancy

  16. Breastfeeding and Lead

  17. Lead in breast milk

  18. Beware The Lead In Lead Lighting

  19. Renting and Lead

  20. What to do if you have too much lead in your tank water

  21. Lead Contamination in Stormwater

  22. Contamination At Shooting Ranges

  23. Banned: Leaded Wick Candles

  24. Lead, Ageing and Death

  25. Metal miniatures: How to minimise the risks of lead poisoning and contamination

  26. 7 Point Plan for the MANAGEMENT OF LEAD by Australian parents and carers

  27. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use, As at 17th June 2011

  28. Lead Poisoning And The Brain - Cognitive Deficits And Mental Illness

  29. Facts and Firsts of Lead

  30. Lead mining royalties by state and territory

  31. Lead Mining Stewardship - Grey Lead and the Role of The LEAD Group

  32. Preventative Strategies of The LEAD Group

  33. What do Doctors need to do about Lead?

  34. A Naturopath's Experience Of Lead & People With Diagnosed Mental Illness

  35. Case File: Helping Manage Australian Lead in Petrol - How GLASS Works

  36. Glass Web & Service-Users, Experts & Volunteers, by Country; Countries with Leaded Petrol for Road Use & Worst Pollution

  37. Lead in ceiling dust

  38. Lead paint & ceiling dust management - how to do it lead-safely

  39. Esperance parliamentary inquiry follow-up factsheet: Where to from Here??

  40. Broken Hill lead miners factsheet 1893 with Note 20081015

  41. Helping a Doctor Help 35,000 Lead-Poisoned People Around the Lead Smelter at La Oroya in Peru
    Ayuda a un doctor que ayuda 35,000 personas envenenadas por plomo alrededor de la fundidora de plomo en la Oroya-Peru

  42. Fact sheet for Australian toy importers and traders

  43. Iron Nutrition & Lead Toxicity
    Informe de Acciones – Hierro y Plomo en la Nutrición

  44. Sanitarium-Are You getting Enough Iron

  45. Do-It-Yourself-Lead-Safe-Test-Kits-flyer

  46. Blood lead testing: who to test, when, and how to respond to the result

  47. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to both adults and children

  48. Lead Exposure & Alzheimer’s Disease: Is There A Link?

  49. In CHINA - Blood lead testing: who to test, when, and how to respond to the result

  50. Why you should have your ceiling dust removed before you take advantage of the Australian government's Energy Efficient Homes Package: Insulation Program

  51. Alperstein et al Lead Alert - A Guide For Health Professionals 1994

  52. Ceiling Dust WorkCover Guide Lee Schreiber Final Nov 1999

  53. What can I do about climate change AND lead?

  54. The Need for Expert Clinical Assessments in Diagnosis Of Heavy Metal Poisoning

  55. Why you should have your ceiling dust removed before you have insulation installed

  56. Thirty Thought-Starters on Ceiling Void Dust in Homes

  57. Pectin: Panacea for both lead poisoning and lead contamination

  58. Nutrients that reduce lead poisoning June 2010

  59. Lead poisoning and menopause

  60. Fact sheet For Schoolkids From Professor Knowlead About Lead

  61. Prevention of Exposure to Lead at Work in Indonesia

  62. Mencegah kontak dengan timbal di tempat kerja di Indonesia

  63. How to Protect Your Family from Lead in Indonesia

  64. Bagaimana melindungi keluargamu dari timbal di Indonesia

  65. Cigarette Smoking & Lead Toxicity
     صحيفة معلومات: التدخين والتسمم بالرصاص

  66. Medical Evaluation Questionnaire For Occupational Lead Exposure

  67. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to children

  68. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to adults

  69. Biosolids used as fertilizer in China and other countries

  70. What are the lead poisoning risks of a lead pellet, bullet or shot lodged in the body?

  71. Alcohol’s link to higher lead and iron levels

  72. USA Case Definition of Adult (including Occupational) & Child Elevated Blood Lead Levels (EBLL)

  73. Low Level Lead Exposure Harms Children - A Renewed Call for Primary Prevention

  74. Occupational Health & Safety Fact Sheet Dangers of lead for roofers

  75. Let’s Make Leaded Petrol History - Let’s Make Leaded Gasoline History

  76. Lead, Your Health & the Environment. Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Macedonian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese 

  77. Lead Safe Housekeeping

  78. Old Lead Paint

  79. Working safely with lead

  80. A Renovator's Guide To The Dangers Of Lead (Brochure 30 pages)

  81. A Guide For Health Care Professionals (Brochure 34 pages)

  82. A Guide To Keeping Your Family Safe From Lead (Brochure 20 pages)

  83. Lead Hazard Management In Children's Services (Brochure 15 pages)

  84. A Guide To Dealing With Soil That Might Be Lead-Contaminated

  85. Exposure Assessment: Lead Neurotoxicity - Is the Center for Disease Control's goal to reduce lead below 10 µg/dl blood in all children younger than 72 months by 2010, good enough?

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