LEAD Action News
LEAD Action News vol 6 no 2, 1998  ISSN 1324-6011
Incorporating Lead Aware Times ( ISSN 1440-4966) and Lead Advisory Service News ( ISSN 1440-0561)
The journal of The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group Inc.

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 Lead in breast milk

Fact sheet for medical professionals

Brian L. Gulson, Graduate School of the Environment,
Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109

Owing to its unique nutritional and immunological characteristics, human milk is the most important food source for infants. Breast milk can, however, also be a pathway of maternal excretion of toxic elements such as lead.

These toxic substances impact most severely on the newly born at a time of rapid development of the central nervous system (Astrup-Jensen and Slorach, 1991). Apart from contributions from maternal sources during pregnancy such as from the skeleton (Gulson et al., 1997, 1998), other potential lead sources for the infant are mainly dietary, that is, from breast milk, infant formulae and baby foods.

Recently, Gulson et al. (1998) showed that there was an increased and sustained mobilization of maternal skeletal lead during lactation compared with during pregnancy, from which arises the question: Are the infants at more risk from breast feeding than from formula feeding? 

Table 1. Lead Concentrations in Breast Milk

Pb Milk (ppb)





0.7 ± 0.7




Gulson et al. (submitted)
0.7 ± 0.4




Palminger Hallen et al.
1.04 mean / 0.55 median




Dabeka et al.




Zahradnicek et al.
2.6 ± 1.6




Schramel et al.
2.8 ± 1.6




Rockway et al.




Baum et al.
13.3 (urban), 9.1 (rural)

20 20



Sternowsky & Wesselowski
17 ± 2




Rabinowitz et al.




Moore et al.




Namihara et al.
25 (urban),
21 (rural)

89 91



Huat et al.




Richmond et al.
36 ± 15




Plockinger et al.
48 ± 12




Ong et al.
70 ± 17


UA Emirates


Sokas et al.
127 (urban),
46 (rural)

20 34



Guidi et al.

How much lead is in breast milk?

The literature is rather cloudy on this issue partly due to the extremely large range in reported lead concentrations in breast milk.

Most of the data for the past 15 years are shown in Table 1. The very high levels reported in some papers are probably due to contamination of the milk during sampling and analysis (e.g. the Austrian and Italian studies). All units for breast milk are standardised to parts per billion (ppb). Note that in the United Arab Emirates, over 94% of the sample used Kohl (lead-bearing) cosmetics.

There is a linear relationship between lead in breast milk and in the mother’s blood so that, for example, in the 1993 Mexico study, the maximum blood lead was 99 µg/dL (compared with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control "Level of Concern" of 10 µg/dL) and for breast milk was 3.5 µg/dL or 35 parts per billion (mean 2.47 µg/dL) compared to the allowable level of lead in drinking water of 1 µg/dL in Australia.

When should a mother stop breastfeeding because of lead?

The answer is probably NEVER, unless she has severe lead poisoning. This could result from recent exposure to lead, for example, from:

  • renovating a lead-contaminated house (paint/ceiling dust),

  • diet with high lead (including beverages),

  • traditional medicines containing lead, cosmetics containing lead (see Table 1),

  • poorly manufactured pottery and/or crystal glassware, or

  • from self or a partner working in a lead occupation, etc.

In all of the above cases, the most important step is to remove the mother from the source of lead, or remove the source from the mother; and to monitor the mother’s lead levels.

 Or: If she has been exposed to lead over a long period of time, such as in a smelter environment (e.g. Mexico, see Table 1), then there is opportunity for build-up of lead in bones. This lead can be released during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with a larger amount released during lactation (Gulson et al., 1998).

In some lead-rich environments, however, such as the Broken Hill mining community, the mothers have blood leads <10 µg/dL (Gulson et al., 1994).

If a pregnant woman is concerned that she may have suffered a high exposure from lead, either as an acute dose (short-term such as from renovating a lead-contaminated house), or from chronic exposure (long-term), it would be worthwhile to have her blood lead tested in the 3 trimesters when she is having other normal pregnancy tests performed and then speak to a specialist.

If the blood lead levels are <10 µg/dL then there should be no cause for concern as the amount of lead in breast milk should be only about 5% - or probably less - of that in her blood (Gulson et al., submitted). As an example, Baum and Shannon (1996) describe two subjects in the USA whose blood leads were 34 and 29 µg/dL. The breast milk contained <10 ppb (see Table 1). If a mother’s blood lead level is above 20 µg/dL, it is recommended that a test of the breast milk should be undertaken.

Even if wholly breast feeding, at these low levels, the impact on blood lead of the infant will be small (estimations based on the Physiologically based Pharmacokinetic Model of Ellen O'Flaherty of the University of Cincinnati Medical Centre 1995).

If a mother’s breast milk lead levels are in the hundreds of parts per billion range, it may be worth considering not breast feeding, in consultation with expert medical opinion.

What can be done to reduce lead moving from bones into breast milk?

It is well established that there is an inverse relationship between calcium intake and uptake of lead. Furthermore, the preliminary data obtained by us (Gulson et al., 1998) indicate that intake of calcium supplements can reduce the amount of lead mobilised from the mother's skeleton during pregnancy.

The U.S. National Institute of Health Consensus Conference on Optimal Calcium Intake (1994) recommended that for pregnant and lactating women the optimal daily intake of calcium should be 1200 mg/day.


  1. Astrup-Jensen A, Slorach SA (Editors). Chemical contaminants in human breast milk. CRC Press Baton Rouge USA (1991).

  2. Baum CR, Shannon MW. Lead in breast milk. Pediatrics 97: 932 (1996).

  3. Dabeka RW, Karpinski KF, McKenzie AD, Bajdik CD. Survey of lead, cadmium and fluoride in human milk and correlation of levels with environmental and food factors. Fd Chem Toxic 24: 913-921 (1986).

  4. Guidi B, Ronchi S, Ori E, Varni PF, Cassindri TT, Tripodi A, Borghi A, Mattei F, Demaria F, Galavotti E, et al. Concentrazione del piombo nel latte materno di donne residenti in aree urbane rispetto a donne residenti in aree rurali. Pediaitr Med Chir 14 611-616 (1992).

  5. Gulson BL, Mizon KJ, Law AJ, Korsch MJ, Davis JJ. Source and Pathways of Lead in Humans from Broken Hill Mining Community - an Alternative Use of Exploration Methods. Economic Geology, 89: 889-908 (1994).

  6. Gulson BL, Jameson CW, Mahaffey KR, Mizon KJ, Korsch MJ, Vimpani G. Pregnancy increases mobilization of lead from maternal skeleton. J Lab Clin Med 130: 51-62(1997).

  7. Gulson BL, Mahaffey KR, Jameson CW, Mizon KJ, Korsch MJ, Cameron MA, Eisman JA. Mobilization of lead from the skeleton during the post-natal period is larger than during pregnancy. J Lab Clin Med in press (1998).

  8. Gulson BL, Jameson CW, Mahaffey KR, Mizon KJ, Patison N, Law AJ, Korsch MJ, Relationships of Lead in Breast Milk to Lead in Blood, Urine and Diet of the Infant and Mother. Submitted to Environ Health Perspectives.

  9. Huat LH, Zakariya D, Hoon K. Lead concentrations in breast milk of Malaysian urban and rural mothers. Arch Environ Health 38: 205-209 (1983).

  10. Moore MR, Goldberg A, Pocock SJ, Meredith A, Stewart IM, MacAnespie H, Lees R, Low A. Some studies of maternal and infant lead exposure in Glasgow. Scot Med Journ 27: 113-122 (1982).

  11. Namihira D, Saldivar L, Pustilnik N, Carreon GJ, Salinas ME. Lead in human blood and milk from nursing women living near a smelter in Mexico City. J Toxicol Environ Health 38; 225-232 (1993).

  12. O’Flaherty EJ. Physiologically based models for bone-seeking elements V. Lead absorption and disposition in children. Toxicol Appl Pharm 131: 297-308. (1995).

  13. Ong CN, Lee WR. Distribution of lead-203 in human peripheral blood in vitro. Br J Ind (1985).

  14. Palminger Hallen I, Jorhem L, Lagerkvist BJ, Oskarsson A. Lead and cadmium levels in human milk and blood. Sci Total Environ 166: 149-155 (1995).

  15. Plockinger B, Dadk C, Meisinger V. Blei, Quecksilber und Cadmium bei Neugeborenen und deren Muttern. Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol 197: 104-107 (1993).

  16. Rabinowitz M, Leviton A, Needleman H. Lead in milk and infant blood; a dose-response model. Arch Environ Health 40: 283-286 (1985).

  17. Richmond J, Strehlow CD, Chalkley SR. Dietary intake of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in infants. Br J Biomed Science 50: 178-186 (1993).

  18. Rockway SW, Weber CW, Lei KY, Kemberling SR. Lead concentrations of milk, blood, and hair in lactating women. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 53: 181-187 (1984).

  19. Schramel P, Lill G, Hasse S, Klose B-J. Mineral- and trace element concentrations in human breast milk, placenta, maternal blood, and the blood of the newborn. Biol Trace Element Res 16: 67-75 (1988).

  20. Sokas RK, Absood GH, Ward J. Lead levels in breast milk: a preliminary report from Al Ain. Emirates Med Journ 12: 235-239 (1994).

  21. Sternowsky HJ, Wesselowski R. Lead and cadmium in breast milk. Arch Toxicol 57: 41-45 (1985).

  22. U.S. National Institute of Health.

  • Zahradnicek L, Jodl J, Sevcick J, Lenicek J, Citkova M, Subrt P. Foreign substances in maternal milk. Cesk Pediatr 44: 80-83 (1989

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    The LEAD Group Inc. Fact Sheet Index

    NSW Lead Reference Centre and NSW Government Publications On this site PDF

    1. About the Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS)

    2. Main Sources of Lead

    3. How Would You Know If You or Your Child Was lead poisoned?

    4. Lead aware housekeeping

    5. Ceiling dust & lead poisoning

    6. Is your yard lead safe?

    7. Health Impacts of lead poisoning

    8. Rotary Questionnaire

    9. Lead poisoned Pets and Your Family

    10. Childhood Lead Poisoning Risk Factor Questionnaire

    11. Is Your Child Safe From Lead? - What Can You Do About Lead?

    12. Lead in Drinking Water in Australia

    13. Have We Really Resolved The Lead Issue?

    14. The Importance of the Availability of "Spot Tests" for Lead in Paint

    15. Pregnant or Planning a Pregnancy

    16. Breastfeeding and Lead

    17. Lead in breast milk

    18. Beware The Lead In Lead Lighting

    19. Renting and Lead

    20. What to do if you have too much lead in your tank water PDF

    21. Lead Contamination in Stormwater PDF

    22. Contamination At Shooting Ranges PDF

    23. Banned: Leaded Wick Candles

    24. Lead, Ageing and Death

    25. Metal miniatures: How to minimise the risks of lead poisoning and contamination

    26. 7 Point Plan for the MANAGEMENT OF LEAD by Australian parents and carers

    27. Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use, As at 17th June 2011

    28. Lead Poisoning And The Brain - Cognitive Deficits And Mental Illness

    29. Facts and Firsts of Lead

    30. Lead mining royalties by state and territory

    31. Lead Mining Stewardship - Grey Lead and the Role of The LEAD Group

    32. Preventative Strategies of The LEAD Group

    33. What do Doctors need to do about Lead?

    34. A Naturopath's Experience Of Lead & People With Diagnosed Mental Illness

    35. Case File: Helping Manage Australian Lead in Petrol - How GLASS Works

    36. Glass Web & Service-Users, Experts & Volunteers, by Country; Countries with Leaded Petrol for Road Use & Worst Pollution

    37. Lead in ceiling dust

    38. Lead paint & ceiling dust management - how to do it lead-safely

    39. Esperance parliamentary inquiry follow-up factsheet: Where to from Here??

    40. Broken Hill lead miners factsheet 1893 with Note 20081015

    41. Helping a Doctor Help 35,000 Lead-Poisoned People Around the Lead Smelter at La Oroya in Peru
      Ayuda a un doctor que ayuda 35,000 personas envenenadas por plomo alrededor de la fundidora de plomo en la Oroya-Peru

    42. Fact sheet for Australian toy importers and traders

    43. Iron Nutrition & Lead Toxicity PDF
      Informe de Acciones – Hierro y Plomo en la Nutrición PDF
      情况说明书铁的营养和铅的毒性 PDF

    44. Sanitarium-Are You getting Enough Iron PDF

    45. Do-It-Yourself-Lead-Safe-Test-Kits-flyer

    46. Blood lead testing: who to test, when, and how to respond to the result

    47. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to both adults and children PDF

    48. Lead Exposure & Alzheimer’s Disease: Is There A Link?

    49. In CHINA - Blood lead testing: who to test, when, and how to respond to the result

    50. Why you should have your ceiling dust removed before you take advantage of the Australian government's Energy Efficient Homes Package: Insulation Program

    51. Alperstein et al Lead Alert - A Guide For Health Professionals 1994 PDF

    52. Ceiling Dust WorkCover Guide Lee Schreiber Final Nov 1999 PDF

    53. What can I do about climate change AND lead?

    54. The Need for Expert Clinical Assessments in Diagnosis Of Heavy Metal Poisoning

    55. Why you should have your ceiling dust removed before you have insulation installed

    56. Thirty Thought-Starters on Ceiling Void Dust in Homes

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    65. Cigarette Smoking & Lead Toxicity
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    66. Medical Evaluation Questionnaire For Occupational Lead Exposure

    67. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to children

    68. Dangers of a blood lead level above 2 µg/dL and below 10 µg/dL to adults

    69. Biosolids used as fertilizer in China and other countries

    70. What are the lead poisoning risks of a lead pellet, bullet or shot lodged in the body?

    71. Alcohol’s link to higher lead and iron levels

    72. USA Case Definition of Adult (including Occupational) & Child Elevated Blood Lead Levels (EBLL)

    73. Low Level Lead Exposure Harms Children - A Renewed Call for Primary Prevention

    74. Occupational Health & Safety Fact Sheet Dangers of lead for roofers

    75. Let’s Make Leaded Petrol History - Let’s Make Leaded Gasoline History

    76. Lead, Your Health & the Environment. Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Macedonian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese  PDF

    77. Lead Safe Housekeeping PDF

    78. Old Lead Paint PDF

    79. Working safely with lead PDF

    80. A Renovator's Guide To The Dangers Of Lead (Brochure 30 pages) PDF

    81. A Guide For Health Care Professionals (Brochure 34 pages) PDF

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    85. Exposure Assessment: Lead Neurotoxicity - Is the Center for Disease Control's goal to reduce lead below 10 µg/dl blood in all children younger than 72 months by 2010, good enough?


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