Run by

The LEAD Group Inc
The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the
environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses
ABN 25 819 463 114
Australians! Take action
today. Is lead harming
you & your kids? Buy low
cost, NATA accredited
laboratory lead test kits
Sample your dust,
soil, water, paint, toys,
jewellery, ceramics
what's new 

Water Lead test Kits

Proceeds from our DIY Home Lead Assessment kit sales go towards the
Keeping Australian Lead Out of Leaded Petrol Initiative.

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We offer donations and memberships.

Please donate at , and become a member of The LEAD Group Inc. at

Donate your time to The LEAD Group`s Global Lead Advice & Support Service (GLASS)

Grants, Sponsorship & Marketing Director opportunity

Being the LEAD Group�s Grants, Sponsorship & Marketing Director is an opportunity to �grow your own� paid position in a global environmental health charity.

  • help us eliminate lead poisoning globally by quadrupling our charity�s income for paid staff

  • use your grant-seeking experience to win a grant or sponsorship so we can employ you!

  • use your marketing skills to increase our donations, memberships & lead test kit sales

The LEAD Group ( aims to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the global environment from lead [especially Australian lead]. The LEAD Group runs the Global Lead Advice & Support Service (GLASS) which has handled over 78,000 inquiries from 129 countries, providing free information and referrals about lead poisoning and lead contamination prevention and management. Our popular website has had around 2.8 million page views by people in 227 countries.

The LEAD Group Inc. currently receives no financial support from the Australian federal Department of the Environment, previously known as the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC). DSEWPaC provided funding for 6 years ending 30th June 2013. The fate of our Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS) is uncertain, so we have launched a new Lead Safe World Project including a website at and we are looking for companies and other organisations to become Lead Safe World Partners and contribute to building up solutions to lead problems on the new site, but also to resourcing GLASS � for the good of all. GLASS relies almost entirely on volunteers to stay running and keep providing the knowledge that is making kids smarter and adults live longer (by preventing lead poisoning).

What we need if we are to continue this fight successfully, is more public awareness of lead poisoning/contamination and why lead needs to be managed. Every lead testing kit sold helps a single family to prevent lead poisoning. We want these kits available in every country but they�re currently only available in Australia.

Now we urgently need you to put all your knowledge & experience to the test � search out grant & sponsorship opportunities � write the funding applications that win the grants so we can employ you AND lead-knowledgeable staff to spread our message; use your marketing skills to increase donations and memberships plus the sales of our lead testing kits sufficient to employ a full-time kit administrator. If you think you can help to market us effectively to the media, the government and the public, then we need you to phone us today!

We offer flexible working hours to fit around your studies or other working commitments including the ability to work from home providing you have internet access. Our perfume-free office is located in Summer Hill 300m from Summer Hill Station and we are happy to reimburse our volunteers for all of their public transport costs.

No knowledge of lead poisoning or other problems associated with lead is required, we are the lead experts and can provide any information required for the job, all we need is someone to help us get that information out there, sell more kits and gain sponsorship or grants which will enable us to employ you to gain more revenue to employ more staff.

As part of your role here, you also have the opportunity to be trained or develop your skills in Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Access, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Excel and Word. The LEAD Group is also happy to provide both written and spoken references to any potential employers of our volunteers.

This Volunteering Opportunity is located in the 2130 postcode.

PLEASE HELP US SAVE The Global Lead Advice & Support Service (GLASS) incorporating the Lead Advisory Service Australia (LASA) run by The LEAD Group Inc

The LEAD Group Inc. currently receives no financial support from the Australian federal Department of the Environment, previously known as the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC). DSEWPaC provided funding for 6 years ending 30th June 2013. The fate of our Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS) is uncertain, so we have launched a new Lead Safe World Project including a website at and we are looking for companies and other organisations to become Lead Safe World Partners and contribute to building up solutions to lead problems on the new site, but also to resourcing GLASS � for the good of all.

If you think that our service is worth maintaining, show your support by:

  • Making a donation to the Lead Education and Abatement Fund (LEAF). Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please donate at for secure donations or see the suggested wording there for making a bequest, and/or

  • Becoming a member of The LEAD Group Incorporated, by filling in the membership form, and/or

  • Writing a letter to your state and federal Ministers for the Environment, and to your Ministers for Health, asking them to ensure continued funding of the Global Lead Advice and Support Service Australia (GLASS).

    Your support is very much appreciated. The current appeal aims to gather enough donations to cover the costs of my attendance at the 6th Global Partnership Meeting (6GPM) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) which will be held during the last week of January 2008. Among other things to be discussed at 6GPM will be the completion of the PCFV's global campaign to phase out leaded gasoline (leaded petrol) for road use.

    Elizabeth O�Brien
    President, The LEAD Group Inc
    Partner, UNEP Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV)

The community cost of each lead poisoned child (ie for each 10 �g/dL rise in lead in blood) is $10,280 in remedial education costs, health costs and lost earning potential. When compared to the call cost of LASA�s FY 1999-2000 service, if only one of 246 calls results in preventing one child from exceeding the Australian goal, the service is cost effective.
SUBSCRIPTION FORM for LEAD Group Membership & DONATION FORM for LEAF (Lead Education and Abatement Fund)

Print the form and fax or mail your subscription or donation (see below). Donations over $2 are tax deductible. 
Printable version

Purchase Memberships at

The purpose of the Lead Education and Abatement Fund (L.E.A.F.)  is to support the environmental objects of The LEAD Group Incorporated, that is to protect the environment from lead.

Please accept my membership application and/or donation:

$10.00 annual membership (non-corporate rate)

� $132.00 annual membership (corporate rate)


Please find enclosed my cheque / money order for $________
payable to: "The LEAD Group" being for membership

Please find enclosed my cheque / money order for $________
payable to: "LEAF" (Lead Education and Abatement Fund) being for a donation

� Please charge the amount of $____________
to my � Visa Card � Master Card (tick one) payable to:
"The LEAD Group" being for membership

� Please charge the amount of $____________
to my � Visa Card � Master Card (tick one) payable to:
"LEAF" (Lead Education and Abatement Fund) being for a donation


Please Print & Mail form & payment to:

The LEAD Group Inc.
PO Box 161
Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia

OR fax the form to:
+61 2 9716 9005

OR phone us with your credit card details on:

+61 2 9716 0966

Freecal - 1800 626 086 (Australia only)


Name on Card:_________________________________________________

Signature ________________________________________

CARD NO. |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|      Expiry date: _____ / _____

Card verification code: |__|__|__| look on the back of the card for a 3 digit code on the signature strip. It will be either after the full customer account number or after the last 4 digits of the customer account number


Name or Company Name (for corporate subscriptions):






Phone:___________________________ Fax/email:______________________________

Purchase Memberships at

PDF of this file  [Printable version]

The LEAD Group Inc is endorsed as an Income Tax Exempt Charitable entity under subdivision 50-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The Lead Education and Abatement Fund (L.E.A.F) is a public fund listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations under Item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient under subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

[Printable version]

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Last Updated 21 October 2024
Copyright © The LEAD Group Inc. 1991- 2024
PO Box 161 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9716 0014