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ACLCA NSW Members The Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association Inc. began in the mid-1990s, works closely with NSW EPA (Environment Protection Authority), now called NSW DEC (Department of Environment and Conservation) and were writing (February 2001) draft asbestos removal guidelines for them. It is strongly focused on the responsible management of contaminated land problems, minimising costs for cleanup while ensuring that no unacceptable human, environmental of financial risk is left for future generations to address. During the past few years, the Association has been invited to provide input into many seminars, workshops, technical documents and has been included on advisory committees.
The Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association Inc. (ACLCA) was formed in late 1995 to provide a voice to decision makers in Australia and internationally on matters associated with contaminated land management. It represents the major environmental consulting firms involved in the assessment and management of contaminated sites in Australia. Its aims are to promote and encourage the open exchange of information between members and other interested bodies and to promote an awareness and provide information to outside parties on the professional skills in the area of contaminated land management.
ACLCA WA Members
The Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association Inc. aims to promote an awareness and provide information to outside parties on the professional skills and practical advice in the area of contaminated land management. It is thus concerned with the responsible management of contaminated land, conservation and management of resources, and the improvement of the standards of living, including public health.
ACLCA South Australia Members
One of the goals of ACLCA is "To establish and maintain a strong working relationship with regulatory authorities and other related agencies that have an interest in the management of contaminated lands."
AECLP Global Lead Poisoning Prevention Network
The Global Lead Network web site provides information on the Network and its activities and access to resources and policy and advocacy tools
AFHH Alliance for Healthy Homes works to protect children from lead and other home environmental health hazards. A national, non-profit public interest organization, the Alliance advocates for policy solutions and builds the capacity of communities to prevent in-home hazards from harming the health of children, their families, and all residents.
Age Concern has worked to promote the rights, well-being and quality of life of older people, since 1948. As knowledge and experience changes, Age Concern now has the wider purpose of healthy, active ageing to people of all ages. We work in co-operation with other organisations towards obtaining our vision.
Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association  ASEHA is a voluntary community organisation giving support to people with allergy, food intolerance, yeast sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). 64 Hazardous Substances Overview and Resources
Australian Chemical Trauma Alliance (ACTA) Essentially ACTA is a support network for the chemically affected. Members have access to the following services: counselling, advice, referrals to appropriate medical and legal practitioners, and introductions to other members for mutual support.
Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) The List of Pre-1986 cars that can use Unleaded or Premium Unleaded Petrol  can be found here. Note that pre-1986 cars that are NOT on the list should use Lead Replacement Petrol
Basel Action Network (BAN) Working to prevent the globalization of the toxic chemical crisis. Working in opposition to toxic trade in toxic wastes, toxic products and toxic technologies, that are exported from rich to poorer countries. Alternatively, working to ensure national self-sufficiency in waste management through clean production and toxics use reductions and in support of the principle of global environmental justice - where no peoples or environments are disproportionately poisoned and polluted due to the dictates of unbridled market forces and trade.
CEHCA - Center for Environmental Health, California - has covered many lead issues on their website over the years, eg Lead in Candy - Lead in Lunchboxes - Lead in Jewelry - Lead in Baby Bibs  - Lead in Wheel Balancing Weights  and Lead in Artificial Turf
Chemical Awareness in Schools is a new national forum on toxic chemicals and children's health. We offer support & Information for parents who think their children's health might be suffering at school, and assistance to schools & childcare centres in the form of safe, workable, non toxic alternatives for Cleaning, Maintenance & Pest Control contracts
Cyber-Nook by Randy Johnson in Virginia USA- this site has interesting information on lead and other contaminants in drinking water plus the opportunity to purchase solid block activated carbon technology to help solve lead and other contaminant problems.
Environmental Health Center - A Division of the National Safety Council Lead fact sheets and Education Materials
Godfreys do it yourself home improvement stores for all your DIY needs. The main focus area of GreenerMe is on recycling, reuse and lowering consumption in developed countries. GreenerMe's Environmental Forum is free to join and asks members to contribute eco tips and suggestions and encourages discussion of what is hype and what is truly eco-friendly. Email
Hill Top Residents' Action Group Inc. is a community group at Alpine NSW, opposed to a massive gun club being built at Hill Top which has made a Submission to NSW Planning, opposing the Major Project Application And State Significant Site Listing – Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex (MP no. 06_0232), available on their No Gun Club webpage.
Judson Lake Trumpeter Swans Lead poisoning of Trumpeter Swans from ingestion of spent lead shot from past hunting on Judson Lake is an ongoing threat but there is a solution: Judson Lake must be restored. The process of assisting the recovery and maintenance of the lake's ecological integrity is simple: Deepen the lake, remove the lead shot, create healthy high quality wildlife habitats. Judson Lake completely dries up each summer now, providing the perfect opportunity to remove the lead shot.
Lead exposure and lead poisoning in the Bell Telephone System
This web site's intended audience includes all former and retired Bell System employees who had occupational exposure to lead, especially during the 1940s and early ‘50s, their families, descendants, and other interested parties. Because lead poisoning can demonstrate protean and subtle manifestations that may elude detection completely, or erroneously be attributed to other causes, there may be Bell System employees who, along with their families, unknowingly experienced lead poisoning. For those individuals the ingestion or inhalation of lead may have resulted in life-long disabilities, disabilities that nobody ever thought to link to lead poisoning. Website originally published at and republished at with kind permission. 
Lead Paint Safety Association (UK) (LiPSA) in the United Kingdom is the first port of call for consumers, councils, contractors, construction professionals and their clients who need to deal with old lead paint hazards and compliance issues.
LEAD TEST Home Analysis Services.
The UK's Lead poisoning public awareness site to help parents understand more about lead in pr-1980s homes, LEAD TEST have produced free booklets brochures and posters in pdf format also a database available on request for medical professionals.
LED (Locals for Esperance Development) formed in response to the lead poisoning of thousands of birds in the  area near the Port of Esperance where it was later found that residents had also been exposed to high levels of ‘Lead Carbonate Dust‘ in the air and in drinking water.
Living with Lead Alliance was established to develop and deliver an extensive and ongoing public education campaign to ensure the health of Mount Isa residents. The Alliance consists of representatives from the Mount Isa City Council, Queensland Government - Queensland Health and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Xstrata Mount Isa Mines. Email_Address LOCAL HEROES: Australian crusades from the environmental frontline, buy this book to find out what you can do about lead, at the discounted price of only $10.00.
Mesothelioma Fund - Understanding Asbestos Trust Funds provides support and assistance for mesothelioma victims and their families. Our mission is to help patients and their family members obtain compensation through asbestos and mesothelioma trust funds. Trust funds were formed in the 1970's when the dangers of asbestos first became known. Over $30 billion dollars is available through mesothelioma and asbestos trust funds. Filing for compensation from a trust fund can be a complicated process, but we can help. Asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma cancer, and thousands of victims have filed claims against companies that knowingly led to their exposure. It is known to linger inside the body for decades before the first symptoms of the disease appear. Today, an estimated 1.3 million people are exposed daily to asbestos, leading to an increased risk of mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Help's objective is to raise awareness of occupations that are at risk of asbestos exposure, which leads to a type of lung cancer called Mesothelioma.
See and

Mesothelioma Help Now are here to educate and support mesothelioma patients and their families. Research has shown the more you know about a disease, the better prepared you'll be to cope with everything that comes your way. So, let's learn, share, and take action together. Comprehensive information including legal and financial help, plus downloadable booklets available: and
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center website is a comprehensive informational resource on asbestos-related diseases, and was created to help the millions of people who were exposed to asbestos, a cancer causing mineral.
Many of these men and women were exposed at work or during their military service and are now suffering from asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma cancer, a devastating and nearly always fatal disease.
The website includes "How to Find the Best Mesothelioma Lawyer or Law Firm" and "Mesothelioma Lawsuit & Asbestos Litigation Guide."
Mesothelioma Resource Online
has created and developed Mesothelioma Symptoms to provide answers and support for people diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, as well as their families and loved ones. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos and has long been considered a mystery and incurable. However, over the past two decades, physicians, scientists and researchers have begun to unravel this mystery and help people diagnose mesothelioma in its earlier stages, while providing more extensive forms of treatment, vast resources, and general information to make coping and survival more about optimism rather than uncertainty.
Mesothelioma Guide offers in-depth information and solutions for patients with asbestos-related cancer, known as mesothelioma.  121 S. Orange Ave, Suite 1450, Orlando, Florida, 32801, USA. Phone 888-572-9011 Email Address. Mesothelioma is almost always associated with exposure to asbestos. It is known to linger inside the body for decades before the first symptoms of the disease appear. Today, an estimated 1.3 million people are exposed daily to asbestos, leading to an increased risk of mesothelioma. Our goal is to partner with organizations to spread awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure. Site has links to Mesothelioma specialists in your area of the USA plus treatment options. Phone Number: 1800 210 761. Email Address
National Healthy Housing Clearinghouse Looking for research on the efficacy of asthma interventions in the home? How about information related to preventing damp basements? The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) has created a comprehensive database of  peer-reviewed research and guidance documents related to healthy homes issues through the National Healthy Housing Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse, which is funded through a cooperative agreement from the U.S.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is intended to provide researchers, policymakers, and program staff easy access to the latest research on housing and health issues. The site contains more than 600 documents and is updated monthly.
National Toxics Network NTN is a community based network with a common aim to reduce the chemical load on the environment and to promote environmentally responsible technologies and management systems.
Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) is the peak umbrella organisation for around 120 conservation and environment groups in New South Wales, Australia
No Toxic Dump! A triumph for grassroots democracy and environmental justice Review of the book by Dr Paul Strangio, A case study of a successful campaign against the establishment of a major toxic waste facility in Wyndham, located in Melbournes west. Pluto Press Australia.
OCTIEF  is an Australian multidisciplinary consulting group specialising in helping organisations maintain Environmental and Occupational compliance, and manage related risks.

Due to the increasing constraints and public awareness, environmental and occupational management is quickly becoming a key issue for many organisations. Recognising the impacts of these issues on business, OCTIEF aims to help maintain and improve performance by employing best Environmental and Workplace practices to manage resultant risks to people, property and business.

As a team of National and International consultants operating within the built and natural environments, OCTIEF has developed expertise within commercial / industrial / residential applications as well as remote areas and mining. Our consultants can assess and manage ongoing, one-off and disaster situations in relation to potential and real risks to people, property and business. 

OCTIEF offers industrial hygiene, asbestos and hazardous materials management, environmental services (air, water & soil including contaminated land), greenhouse gas emissions assessments, energy use assessments, building contamination assessment, and specialised NATA-accredited laboratory analysis and on-site testing.

Our core objective is to provide punctual, expert, trusted advice to get businesses and homes back up and running when an unforeseen event occurs, or by providing platforms and support to
guide organisations through frequently changing regulations and liabilities. Email Address Phone_Number: 1800 628 433 Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Searchable archives has been building an online community for pet lovers from Canada and around the world since 1999. Currently, receives thousands of daily visitors from every continent. Most of our visitors are from the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and at least 94 other countries.
Planet Ark Planet Ark's aim is to show people and business the many ways that they can reduce their day to day impact on the environment. Contains Reuter's Daily World Environment News and Pictures
The Pleural Mesothelioma Center focuses on pleural mesothelioma, a cancer which develops in the lungs due to asbestos exposure. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma and has become a health issue worldwide. Website Related Enquiries; Patient Resources/ General Assistance; Outreach Department:
Plumbism and Autism Network (PAN): Was set up by The LEAD Group Inc. for parents of children with lead poisoning and autism, aspergers, ADD, ADHD etc. to discuss current issues related to the increasing incidence of autism and the potential link between autism and metallothionein dysfunction and excessive lead exposure or exposure to other heavy metals as a trigger for autism. This group includes detailed discussion of lead detoxification, news about lead-related issues, and other heavy metal-related issues.
Pregnancy Class Resource Directory was developed to help you quickly and easily find information and websites related to pregnancy. In this site you'll find many articles and resources. They have thoroughly researched the best sites and articles about pregnancy and compiled them into one, easy-to-navigate website.
Pregnancy Resources Pregnancy related news, books and web resources
Rachel's Environment And Health Weekly Environmental Research Foundation Authorized, up-to-date, searchable archive
Richard Rabin's Site History of child lead poisoning in the United States and the responsibility of the lead paint industry.
Save Fremantle South Beach Campaign   Local residents opposing the developer's proposed remediation plan of the ANI Bradken contaminated site at Fremantle South Beach Western Australia which poses grave risks to the environment and to the health of residents.
Smogbusters Brisbane
Smogbusters National Smogbusters work to raise community awareness about the health effects of car emissions, to promote a reduction in car use and to reduce Greenhouse emissions
Tenants NSW - factsheets Provides information about renting in NSW including lead issues in rental properties. The site is adminstered by the Tenants Union of NSW on behalf of the Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services throughout NSW.  The site provides information about tenancy issues and access to organisations that can provide advice and advocacy.
Ten By 10 Project - reducing lead contamination. The Ten By 10 project is a community initiative [of Nyrstar and CANdo Group] aimed at the reduction of Lead exposure to the children of Port Pirie. The goal is to ensure at least 95% of children 0 - 4 years have a blood lead level of less than 10 µg/dl by the end of 2010.
The First Six Years (formerly known as Lead Environmental Awareness and Detection l.e.a.d.) is a grass roots organization whose primary mandate is the identification and prevention of pediatric lead exposure in Renfrew County which occurs from residential sources: i.e. lead (paint, paint dust, water, soil, other). We promote the development of optimal social and physical environmental conditions for healthy productive children through blood lead screening; environmental monitoring and surveillance; and public and professional education.
Total Environment Centre Total Environment Centre has campaigned on the total range of environment issues  - natural and urban, coastal and inland, country and city
Trail Area Health and Environment Program (THEC) The Teck lead refinery at Trail, British Columbia, Canada supports the local Trail Area Health and Environment Program (THE Program) which is designed and overseen by the Trail Health and Environment Committee (THEC). As at 2010, the air quality goals of THE Program are to achieve the tightest guidelines in Canada for lead and arsenic by 2018, and the blood lead goal is to have 95% of Trail children aged 6-36 months test below the international “level of concern”, 10 µg/dL (micrograms per deciliter) by 2015. As at November 2010, about 90% (about 90 children) test below this level but THE Program follows up between 20-25 children and includes family health, home renovation support, and garden and yard soils programs. This site contains a comprehensive collection of abstracts from the published literature detailing the association between urban soil lead and dust and children's blood lead poisoning. Also contains contour maps displaying the spatial distribution of lead in urban soil in several cities. Email_Address.
Vigil at Landcorp development WA Diary notes of Bobby Wilson vigil against dust blown lead pollution at South Beach, Fremantle, Australia who is maintaining a vigil at the corner of South Terrace and Ocean Road as the Western Australian Government Land Corporation conducts excavations near the site of the 19th Century Fremantle Lead Smelter.
Lead Kills 674,000 People Every Year Globally - The estimated deaths attributable to Lead is 20 times more than for deaths attributable to asbestos. See the World Health Organisation's report at
Perry Gottesfeld of OK International published an editorial titled “Toxic Hypocrisy” in the June 2013 edition of the British publication New Scientist. The full text of the editorial is available at:
The New Scientist article cites results from a Gates Foundation sponsored study published by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, showing that more than 674,000 deaths each year are attributed to lead exposure (see ). To put this in perspective, the study indicates that this is about four times the number of deaths attributed to drugs and about 20 times the number caused by occupational exposures to asbestos. Most of the deaths accounted for in this estimate are attributable to cardiovascular disease (see the full story at )

YourHealth has four integrative medical centres that offer EDTA chelation therapy to children and adults with excess heavy metal levels (two centres in Sydney; 1 Brisbane and 1 Melbourne)

The links above are for information purposes only.
Our policy is to give you all the information available to us, which you might need, in order to make informed decisions about lead hazards. The information and advice given by The LEAD Group is given in good faith but with no responsibility taken. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by The LEAD Group Inc.

Links  are correct as of  29 March, 2015

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Last Updated 29 March 2015
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