The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the
environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses
ABN 25 819 463 114
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Abayomi Karunwi is a postgraduate student
in the Department of Health
Promotion and Education, Faculty of Public Health, College of
Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. Abayomi is
carrying out research on the effects of training
intervention on the knowledge, perception and practices relating
to childhood lead poisoning among teachers in primary schools in
Ido LGA of Oyo State. Email
Address Australian
College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine ACNEM
(Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine)
is a post-graduate medical college established in the early
1980s. It is independent of all governments, government agencies
and other organisations and relies on no other body for
funding. It is a non-profit organisation, funded
from membership fees, subscriptions, courses and other programs,
book sales and donations The
Chemical Information Sources Wiki is meant to be a guide to
the many sources of reference materials available for those with
questions related to chemistry, from Indiana University
will help you find and learn how to use chemistry information
resources on the Internet and elsewhere. The
Children's Medical Center Of The University Of Virginia The
Children's Medical Center of the University of Virginia is a
comprehensive network of health-care facilities dedicated to the
care of children from birth through adolescence Lead Poisoning News
Helps individuals who wish to learn about
the causes and hazards of lead poisoning, as well as how to
protect your children from the serious effects of lead
poisoning. It also includes online resources to better
understand your legal rights and remedies if you or someone you
know has suffered from lead poisoning. Mesothelioma
Center According to the Mesothelioma Center in the US,
Australia has one of the highest incidences of mesothelioma in
the world, largely due to its extensive use and mining of
asbestos. Deaths from mesothelioma were reported at 416 in 1997
and 522 in 2005 within Australia. Government experts believe
that because mesothelioma has such a long latency period - often
20 to 50 years, incidence of the disease in Australia will not
peak until after 2010, perhaps as late as 2017. In total, about
18,000 cases are expected by the year 2020, according to a
University of Sydney study.
With more than 3,000 pages of content, the Center's site [ style="text-decoration: none"]
features information on asbestos, mesothelioma, and other
cancers that are caused by asbestos exposure (lung cancer,
breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc.). Unlike other sites, has achieved HON code approval (Health On the Net
(HON) Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation that works to
preserve the accuracy and trustworthiness of Web-based medical
information). The Center has employed a full staff of writers
dedicated to research and writing about asbestos exposure and
the diseases that result from exposure to the toxic mineral. In
addition, the Mesothelioma Center's medical adviser and editor,
Dr. Mauricio Salazar,M.D., who has worked in the field of cancer
treatment for years, has personally reviewed, edited, and
approved all medical information on the web site. Please see mesothelioma
survival rate for more information. Email
Address Mesothelioma Guide
MesotheliomaGuide offers in-depth information and solutions for patients
with asbestos-related cancer, known as mesothelioma. 121 S. Orange
Ave Suite 1450, Orlando, Florida, 32801, USA. Phone 888-572-9011 Email
Address My children have lead poisoning. Do yours?
- America’s dirty little secret. Tamara Rubin has been a lead poisoning prevention and
awareness advocate since her children were poisoned by the
work of a contractor in 2006. Tamara is working on a
book and a comprehensive site that will be a resource for
parents, teachers, pediatricians, contractors and others
impacted by this problem in their work and daily life. Blog:
The National Academies Press
Lead Exposure in Infants, Children, and Other Sensitive
Populations" Committee
On Measuring Lead In Critical Populations, Board
On Environmental Studies And Toxicology, Commission On Life Sciences, Academy Press,
Washington,D.C. 1993.
Tufts University Lead and Health E-List is a mailing list
set up to encourage communication among Tufts faculty, staff
and students interested in detection of lead (Pb) and the
heatlh effects of lead across species lines ie on people,
domestic species and wildlife. Experts from outside
Tufts will also be invited to participate and develop working
and research relationships with Tufts personnel. SUBSCRIBE by
sending an email to
or go to WebElements:
the periodic table on the web. Explore key information
about the chemical elements through this periodic table.
The links above are for information purposes only.
Our policy is to give you all the information available to us, which you
might need, in order to make informed decisions about lead hazards. The
information and advice given by The LEAD Group is given in good faith
but with no responsibility taken. Reference to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favouring by The LEAD Group Inc.