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See links below, but, before you go, can you help us add links to this page? The LEAD Group is keen to hear from you by email form (link above) with a brief description of the site in English and the language of the site, if you know of any government websites about lead in any of the following countries and territories: List of countries and territories Argentina www.msal.gov.ar/ Ministerio de Salud Argentina (Argentinian Ministry of Health) 51 for plomo Australia Federal Government Safe Work Australia (SWA) is a partnership of governments, employers and employees. National
Standard for the Control of
Inorganic Lead at Work" and "National Code of Practice for the Control and Safe Use of Inorganic Lead at Work" Environment Australia Links to lead information and fact sheets or see links below. Lead Brochures and fact sheets National Phase Out of Leaded Petrol - Some Questions and Answers (order printed copy) Lead Alert Fact Sheets: Lead
(Pb) - 2005 MS doc Heritage Grant Programs and Funding The major sources of Australian Government funding for activities that benefit Australia's heritage are: Competitive programs under which eligible parties can apply for their project to be considered as part of a formal funding round; and Discretionary, ad hoc or non-competitive grants under which funds are approved by the Minister. National Pollutant Inventory Substances The NPI contains data on 93 substances that have been identified as important due to their possible effect on human health and the environment. The data comes from facilities like mines, power stations and factories, and from other sources, such as households and transport. The NPI is tracking emissions of substances to air, land and water, and the transfer of substances, on-site or off-site, to a mandatory or voluntary reporting destination. Substance list and thresholds; Substance fact sheets Australian consumer products recalled due to lead hazards can be located with difficulty at www.recalls.gov.au (there are no photos) and see www.lead.org.au/lanv7n4/L74-1.html where we are putting the Australian recalls for lead together on one page. Australia States DECC Department of Environment and Climate Change is the leading NSW public sector organisation responsible for environment protection. (2008 has removed most lead poisoning information)
Reference Centre - Leadsafe Publications Site developed by
the Lead Reference Centre to support and supplement NSW
education and training efforts including the NSW ‘Living
Safely with Lead’ campaign. (No longer active - Site
available from web.archive.org) Belize www.health.gov.bz/ Belize Health Ministry - 0 "lead poisoning" Bolivia www.sns.gov.bo/ Ministerio de Salud y Deportes, Bolivia ( Bolivian Ministery for Sports and Health) 2 plomo Brazil www.saude.gov.br/ Ministério de Saúde, Brasil [Ministerio de Salud, Brasil], [Health Ministry, Brazil] - 3 plomo Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada Publications related to Fish Lead Free. When you get to the page, search for Fish Lead Free and several publications links will come up including Fish Lead Free which you can order to be posted or emailed to you. This excellent brochure includes: Where to find lead-free alternatives - Manufacturers of lead-free fishing tackle; it contains a list of suppliers of lead free tackle in Canada, USA, UK & Sweden. There are a wide variety of non-toxic alternatives to lead fishing sinkers and jigs, including bismuth, clay, steel, tin, glass, tungsten beads and putty. Ask your local fishing supply retailer to stock these lead-free alternatives. Chile www.minsal.cl/juridico/ Ministerio de Salud Chileno (Chilean Ministry of Health) 54 plomo China, People’s Republic of Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Colombia www.minambiente.gov.co/
Ministerio Colombiano de Vivienda y Medio Ambiente [ Colombian Ministry of
Housing and Environment ] - 252 for Plomo. Costa Rica www.ministeriodesalud.go.cr/ Ministerio de Salud, Costa Rica [Health Ministry, Costa Rica] - 31 for Plomo. Cuba www.sld.cu/ Ministerio de Salud Cubano (Cuban Ministry of Health) 225 for plomo. Dominican Republic www.minsa.gob.pa/ Ministerio de Salud República Dominicana ( Ministry of Health) 64 for plomo. Ecuador www.msp.gov.ec/ Ministerio para la Salud Pública, Ecuador [ Ecuatorian Ministry for Public Health] - 3 for Plomo El Salvador www.mspas.gob.sv/ Ministerio de Salud el Salvador [Salvatorian Ministry of Health] - 22 for plomo. Guatemala www.mspas.gob.gt/ Ministerio de Salud, Guatemala [Guatemalan Ministry of Health] - 5 for plomo Honduras www.salud.gob.hn/ Ministerio de Salud, Honduras [Health Ministry, Honduras] -2 for plomo. México www.salud.gob.mx/ Secretaria de Salud, México [Mexican Secretary of Health] - 342 for plomo. Nicaragua www.minsa.gob.ni/ Ministerio de Salud, Nicaragua [Nicaraguan Ministry of Health] - 145 for plomo. Panama www.minsa.gob.pa/ Ministerio Salud Panama [Ministry of Health, Panama] - 64 for plomo. Paraguay www.mspbs.gov.py/ Ministerio de Salud Paraguay (Paraguayan Ministry of Health) 2 for plomo. Peru www.minsa.gob.pe/ Ministerio de Salud, Peru [Peruvian Ministry of Health] - 472 for plomo. Spain
United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive UK. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) This website provides practical advice and Guidance on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. You can find information on what the law requires, advice on completing COSHH assessments. Working with substances hazardous to health United States of America - Federal
Office of
Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
In 1991, the Office of
Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control was established by HUD in
order to bring together health and housing professionals in a
concerted effort to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in
America's privately-owned and low-income housing. The OHHLC is
unique among federal agencies dealing with lead-hazards, as the
Office is staffed to bring lead health science to bear directly
upon America's housing. The most important step parents, doctors, and others can take is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs.
NIOSH Lead (Occupational Exposure) United States of America - States
of San Francisco
The San Francisco Department of Public
Healths Childhood Environmental Prevention Program is dedicated
to eradicating lead hazards in an effort to eliminate childhood
lead poisoning Uruguay www.msp.gub.uy/ Ministerio de Salud Uruguay (Uruguayan Ministry of Health) 27 for plomo Venezuela www.mpps.gob.ve/ Ministerio para el Poder Popular para la Salud, Venezuela [Venezuelan Ministry of Popular Power for Health] - 6 for plomo. |
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