Ceiling dust proposals from The LEAD Group 5

    That the NSW WorkCover Authority:

    Start a campaign to raise awareness and frequency of blood lead testing of lead exposed workers in order to eventually achieve the national goal that all Australians should have a blood lead level below 10 micrograms per decilitre.

    Collate blood lead notification data and follow-up each notification with special attention to the sources of lead and what else the worker might be being exposed to e.g. other contaminants of ceiling dust.

    Report to the public on the findings of the blood lead collation and follow-up process so that awareness can be raised about the risks to Do-it-Yourself renovators who may unwittingly expose themselves to ceiling dust and other lead hazards of renovation.

    Organise a study to determine whether ceiling dust exposed workers die at a younger age than non-ceiling dust exposed workers, and what they die of.

Assessment of Lead Exposure Associated with Ceiling Dust Removal Final Nov 1999 PDF

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